Bennington Flag or Bennington Banner
The Bennington flag or banner by USA Flag Co. is manufactured using Embroidered Stars & Sewn Stripes for both the flag and banner styles. All USA Flag Co. flags are finished with polyester heading and brass grommets.
Bennington Flag History
The Bennington flag is a version of the American flag associated with the American Revolution Battle of Bennington, from which it derives its name.
BENNINGTON FLAG, or FILLMORE FLAG as it is sometimes called. This thirteen-star flag has eleven stars arranged in a generous semicircle with the numerals "76" in the center and two stars in the upper corners of the union. The history of this flag was first recorded by John Spargo. [60]
It was reported to have been used by the Bennington militia and first raised by Nathaniel Fillmore, grandfather of President Millard Fillmore, at the Batde of Bennington in August 1777.
Septa Fillmore, the nephew of Nathaniel, is alleged to have acquired the flag in 1812. The Spargo report continued that the flag then passed to Philetus P. Fillmore, nephew of Septa. This information cannot be documented beyond the ownership by Philetus P. Fillmore, the third owner.
As Spargo records it:
"As a boy [born 1803] Philetus had been tremendously stirred by the War of 1812 and as a result of it had acquired a passion for collecting relics of that struggle. A somewhat eccentric man in later life he was the one Fillmore who devoted himself seriously to the collection and preservation of family records and relics. He had long desired to possess the flag and after receiving it from his uncle cherished it for many years... during the last years of his life when his mental powers were weakened and the eccentricities which he had long manifested were intensified, Mr. Fillmore insisted that the flag had been carried by his father." [61]
From the donor or some other source, Spargo also states that the flag from Fillmore "was displayed on the front of a house on the corner of Central Avenue and Grand Street, Aurora, Illinois" in 1877. [62]
The flag was later exhibited in the Grand Army of the Republic's Room of the Chicago Public Library and in 1926 was presented to the Bennington Battie Monument and Historical Association by the last Fillmore owner, Mrs. Henry G. Wilson. Spargo concludes: "Obviously, therefore, we have to do with a relic which does not depend on vague legend or conjecture. [63]
There can be no reasonable doubt that the flag is a genuine relic of the Revolution... Every portion of it is hand spun, hand woven, and hand sewn linen." [64]
Unfortunately, this writer believes that there is reasonable doubt. The following information is from observation while the flag was on exhibition in a sealed glass case.
Size: 10-foot fly by 5%-foot hoist.
Fabric: The flag appears to be of cotton rather than linen. The odd, or white stripes prove this point. The bottom or thirteenth stripe shows a selvedge along die full width of the flag. This definitely appears to be the selvedge of cotton woven on a power loom. The union is made of three pieces of blue fabric that are stitched together. The upper piece appears to be the full width of the fabric. Judging from the width of the flag and the width of the union, it can be concluded that die upper part of the union is approximately 27 inches. This was a fairly common power-woven cotton width during the nineteenth century.
Heading: Appears to be heavy-weight cotton.
Sewing thread: No determination could be made.
Stitching: All was done by hand.
Grommets: None.
Date: It is not from the Revolutionary War period, but dates to sometime in the nineteenth century. Without a technical analysis, an approximate date cannot be set.
With technical analysis, a limiting date could probably be given; however, this type of power-woven cotton means that the flag could not have been made before the nineteenth century.
The use of the numeral "76" and the recorded information that it was flown by Philetus P. Fillmore in 1877 would tend to make one suspect that it was probably made as a centennial or commemorative item.
(The "Old 76" painted on a regimental color carried by Francis William Headman during the Revolution and now in the Smithsonian collection was added at a much later time when the flag was carried in commemorative ceremonies.)
The stars are seven-pointed, which, although not conclusive, is not recorded as ever having been used in the eighteenth century. The "76" on the Bennington flag is stitched to the die flag, an integral part of the design, and would not have been added later.
This flag, also preserved by the Bennington Museum, although not a bunting flag, may well have been a Revolutionary War flag. It was also described by Spargo, but since it was still in private hands at the time his book was written it was not regarded as highly as the Bennington Battle Flag (also known as the Fillmore Flag).
Spargo states:
"Among the numerous relics brought to Bennington [in 1877] and displayed was the remnant of a flag, which, according to the granddaughters, General Stark had cherished to the end of his days with particular affection because it had been carried in the thick of the fight on the sixteenth of August 1777. The remnant consisted of little more than the canton. That was of blue silk, much faded and cracked, bearing the thirteen white stars painted on it. Almost all the rest of the flag had disappeared, but a strip was left which showed that the body of the flag was green, either wholly or in part..."
Spargo's information came from the Vermont Centennial of August 30 and September 4, 1877, and from the Bennington Daily Banner of August 15 and 17 of the same year. The portion of the flag that remains is a die union of light-blue silk with thirteen stars painted on and scattered irregularly.
There are narrow remnants of green silk with cut edges on three sides of the piece, and a single piece of silk is attached to one side and hemmed.
Although this examination was also made while the die piece was behind glass, there is nothing about it that would refute the story. It is most likely one of the very few ensigns of the period still in existence, even though it is more properly classified as a regiment flag than as a national banner. [65]
Extra care is taken in making these flags. Flag designs are researched to ensure that they are authentic and current. We use sturdy fabrics, allowing the flags to be flown outdoors, indoors, or carried in parades.
Choose Heavy Duty Nylon (digitally dyed) or 2-ply Polyester Material (screen dyed) to meet the most demanding commercial and residential uses.
- All outdoor flags are finished with heavy-duty thread, polyester heading, brass grommets, and four-needle fly hem
- State flags constructed to precise specifications
- Flies in the slightest breeze
- Proudly Made In The USA
- Beautiful Presentation - This Bennington Flag makes an excellent gift for friends, parents or to PROUDLY display on your HOME or OFFICE.
Our most popular and versatile outdoor Bennington flag, USA Flag Co. flags offer the optimum combination of elegance and durability for every purpose. The 100% nylon material provides a rich, lustrous appearance. Our flags have superb wearing strength due to the material’s superior strength-to-weight ratio and will fly in the slightest breeze. State flags are finished with strong, polyester canvas headings and spurred brass grommets, and four-needle fly hem. The result is a flag that will be flown with pride year after year.
- Rich, Vivid Colors
- Durable
- Fire-Resistant
- Mothproof
- Mildew Resistant
- Sheds Water
- Lightweight for Flyability
The strongest, longest-lasting material, developed for maximum durability in strong wind conditions and intense sun. USA Flag Co. polyester flags are made of tough 2-ply 100% spun polyester. They stand up to unpredictable weather conditions. Each Bennington flag is finished with a tough polyester canvas heading and spurred brass grommets and a four-needle fly hem.
- Heavy 2-Ply Yarns for Extra Strength and Durability
- Withstands Wind, Sun, Dirt, and Moisture
- Outlasts Nylon and Other Acrylic Flags
- Excellent for Industrial / Institutional Use
Add this Bennington Flag to your cart for Immediate Delivery Now.
Reference:The Centennial History of the Battle of Bennington:
Compiled from the most reliable sources, and fully illustrated with original documents and entertaining anecdotes, Col. Seth Warner's identity in the first action was completely established / by Frank W. Coburn, embellished with a portrait of General Stark, a plan of the battle-field, and other engravings. Coburn, Frank Warren, 1853-1923. Boston: G.E. Littlefield, 1877.
The Centennial History of the Battle of Bennington (PDF) 16.3 MB File
60. Spargo, The Stars and Stripes in 1777, published in 1928 by the Bennington Battle Monument and Historical Association, Bennington, Vermont. John Spargo was director of the association at this time and most likely was instrumental in acquiring the flag.
61. Ibid., pp. 44 5.
62. Ibid., pp. 34 and 37.
63. Ibid., p. 38.
64. Ibid., p. 46.
65. Most of the regiment flags described by Gherardi Davis in his Regimental Colors in the War of the Revolution (New York, 1907) supplement of 1910, were of silk, with embroidered or painted designs, and frequently were square rather than rectangular. See pp. 8-10, 12-14, and 16-18. In the 1910 supplement, p. 14, is printed a bill (June 1776) for considerable quantities of yellow, blue, green, and pink silk used in making flags for regiments in the New York Line.
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Frequently Asked Questions
This is the most common question asked in the industry and the most difficult to answer. No two flags will wear the same due to weather conditions and how often the flag is flown. Our flags offer the best stitching and highest quality materials to get your flag off to a great start.
Do not hang a flag where the wind will whip it against rough surface, such as tree branches, wires or cables or the outside of your home or building. Inspect your flags regularly for signs of wear. Repair any minor rips or tears right away this can be mended easily with a sewing machine or sewing kit. Keep the surface of the pole free of dirt, rust or corrosion that could damage or stain your flag.
We recommend that you hand-wash your flag with mild soap, rinse thoroughly and air dry. You can also use a dry cleaning service.
Exposing your flag to rain, wind, snow or high winds will shorten the life of your flag considerably. If you leave your flag exposed to the elements, it will greatly reduce the life of your flag.
Yes, as long as your pole is large enough to support the weight of the flags. The USA Flag must always fly at the top. The flag underneath should be at least one foot lower and be one size smaller than the USA Flag. Flags of other countries are not to be flown beneath the USA Flag.
If your flag is significantly faded, torn or tattered it is time to retire your flag. Your flag should be retired privately in a dignified manner. In addition, many local community organizations have flag disposal centers that will dispose of your flag for you.